Thanks for visiting! I feel very late to the blogging game, this being my first post, but better late than never.
There are a few different purposes of this blog. One is to provide to both marketing researchers and users of marketing research information that will help them to do better do their jobs. This information will come both from my 20+ years as a marketing research professional, as well as from other practitioners in the industry. This will be the primary focus of the blog.
The second purpose of this blog is simply for me to write about what’s on my mind regarding marketing research and related industries, particularly branding, advertising, marketing and psychology. Most of this will be topical in nature, though I may pull interesting tidbits from past articles, experiences, papers, etc.
Finally, some posts may simply be something I feel like sharing, regardless of whether it has anything to do with marketing research. Sometimes you just need to express, or exclaim, or vent, so you’ll probably be seeing a bit of that every now and then.
That’s it for now. I hope you’ll come back. I will being trying to put up a new post at least once a week.